7 misconceptions about your fibreglass swimming pool repairs

Easy maintenance, easy installation, and beautiful aesthetics are just a few advantages of owning a fibreglass swimming pool. Despite the popularity, there are also plenty of misconceptions floating around when it comes to repairing a fibreglass pool.
As fibreglass pool experts in Queensland, Reef Pools have put together and debunked the 7 most common myths about fibreglass pool repairs.
Misconception 1: Blisters in my pool won’t impact our lives
The occurrence of blisters or bumps on your fibreglass pool walls is an indication of a more serious problem, osmosis. When soil water penetrates the fibreglass and stays between the fibreglass and the top-coat of your pool, pimple-like blisters start forming. As they are filled with contaminated water, these blisters eventually burst and start leaking a coloured tar-like substance. Due to high mineral content in these busted blisters, algae starts forming which is called osmosis or black plague.
Pollution and bacteria build-up makes the osmosis-infested pool a no-go place for swimming and puts your health and safety at risk.
Misconception 2: Fixing blisters is an easy job
If you think that DIY treatments like grinding, popping, or chlorination will resolve or diminish the blister problem, you will be shocked to learn that such solutions can worsen or aggravate the problem.
These blisters often deflate over time making it hard to identify them. Although the damage is there, deflating makes it unmanageable to track them. The only way to pinpoint these osmosis-causing bumps is to drain your fibreglass pool which again isn’t an easy task and may cause your pool to pop up if not done by a professional.
Careful professional monitoring and resurfacing of the fibreglass layer and the top gel coat cover is the most effective long-term repair strategy to curb down the blister problem.
Misconception 3: Having osmosis means I need to replace my pool altogether
Osmosis is perhaps the biggest issue with fibreglass pools but that doesn’t mean you have to replace your pool altogether.
As pool osmosis looks to be more of an aesthetic issue than a structural problem, it actually outlines a big issue - the fibreglass is not waterproof anymore!
If you are considering to get your pool just repainted as an economical option, you should know that there is a probability that the spots will be back after 3 months to 2 years. Plus, sometimes the paint service warranty doesn’t cover recurring osmosis if not resurfaced with fibreglass which, in the end, is a waste of money!
The best way to get rid of pool blisters is to get professional fibreglass pool resurfacing. A newly resurfaced pool will add another 10 -15 years to your pool’s life and will make it easy for you to maintain the pool.
Misconception 4: I have a crack but it’s really small
As your fibreglass pool ages, it is natural for cracks to develop. Improper backfill, installation, shipping, low gel quality, or weak pool shell are just a few factors that can cause these cracks. Although these wall cracks are extremely small and hard to see, they can still cause your pool to lose its structural stability. If left neglected, these cracks can grow in size and volume which may cause leaks, water pollution, and blisters.
Misconception 5: Gel top is powdery but I wait until it gets worst
A powdery or flaky pool is an indication of chalking. Stalling professional help to mitigate pool chalking can be risky for your family’s health. Swimming in flake filled water is not recommended as these flakes can irritate your eyes and inhaling or consuming fibre flakes can cause respiratory and stomach-related problems.
Misconception 6: I had a bulging wall for years, if it gets worst I will do something
If you have bulging pool walls for years, you are already compromising with your pool’s stability and your safety.
Bulging walls in fibreglass pool might be the result of poor installation. Fibreglass pool shells are pre-formed and need some type of backfill to hold the shell in place. The backfill, usually sand, over the time becomes saturated with water and liquefies, putting an enormous amount of pressure on the sides of the pool walls which makes them go inflated inwards. As the pool ages, the shell loses strength and forms bulges on the wall.
These bulges prevent the stability that your fibreglass pool needs, putting it at the risk of getting pierced or punctured, and spider cracking.

Misconception 7: I can’t afford a pool renovation right now
Your fibreglass pool is in dire condition and needs renovation badly. But you can’t afford it, given the hefty pool resurfacing and renovation cost in Brisbane.
While you will come across many pool renovation services who ask for a big upfront payment, getting help from pool contractors with flexible payment options such as Reef Pools gives you the option to get your pool renovated today and pay later. Our payment options will allow you to renovate your fibreglass pool at just $40 per week for 18 months. Contact us today for a custom quote!